SDG 2- Zero Hunger
Goal 2:
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
The outreach program was filled with fun games participated in by select elementary learners and with distribution of goods. The event was culminated with several messages of gratitude and expression of continuous extension partnership between Panpacific University and the elementary school.
Donation Drive- Monggoc, Pidigan, Abra
PanpacificU held a donation drive for the earthquake victims that struck Abra last July 27, 2022. The drive was made possible by the Pidigan Fire Station on September 10, 2022 at Sitio Cautit and Sitio Banay, Brgy. Mongoc, Pidigan, Abra. #iampioneercompassionservicetruth #wearePanpacifics #WeBuildBetterLives